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Company execs nabbed over RM10 million bribes in public transport project

They have been remanded for three days from today.

Staff Writers
1 minute read
Two suspects believed to be involved in an RM10 million bribery case are led out of the Putrajaya Magistrate's Court today.
Two suspects believed to be involved in an RM10 million bribery case are led out of the Putrajaya Magistrate's Court today.

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has remanded two individuals to assist in investigations into bribes of more than RM10 million linked to the procurement of work involving the construction of a public transport system. 

The suspects, a woman and a man in their 40s, were remanded at the Magistrate's Court in Putrajaya today. 

Magistrate Izra Zulaikha Rohanuddin issued the remand order for three days from today until Sept 9.

According to a source, the woman who is the financial manager of a company is believed to have paid the bribes to facilitate business activities and the approval of the takeover of work on the project from another company to her own. 

The man, meanwhile, is the head of the marketing division of the same company. He is thought to have made payments to six individuals and entities believed to be fake.

They were arrested at the MACC headquarters in Putrajaya at about 9.30pm last night after going to give their statements. 

Hishamuddin Hashim, senior director of MACC's investigation division, confirmed the arrests.

He said the case is being investigated under Section 16 of the MACC Act 2009. 

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