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JPN pans talk of Bangladeshis given ICs ahead of election

The department says the photo of a MyKad making the rounds on social media shows the IC of a legitimate citizen who was adopted by a Chinese family at birth.

1 minute read
The National Registration Department says MyKads are only issued to eligible Malaysian citizens based on the provisions of the law. Photo: Bernama
The National Registration Department says MyKads are only issued to eligible Malaysian citizens based on the provisions of the law. Photo: Bernama

The National Registration Department (JPN) has dismissed rumours circulating on social media that many Bangladeshis have been issued identity cards (MyKads) ahead of the election.

In a statement, JPN said the allegations were untrue and that MyKads are only issued to eligible Malaysian citizens based on the provisions of the law.

On the photo of a MyKad said to have been issued to a Bangladeshi, JPN said the individual in question was a legitimate Malaysian citizen. 

"The Bangladeshi was legally adopted and raised by a Chinese family since birth. In fact, this issue has been reported by the media which explained that the individual is a Malaysian citizen," it said.

JPN said a police report was made on Oct 23 as the allegation not only tarnished the department's image and undermined its credibility, but could also cause public alarm.

"The report was made so that the police can investigate any party spreading the false claim," it said.

JPN also cautioned the public to check the validity of information before sharing it, adding that legal action would be taken against anyone found to be spreading false information.

For queries, members of the public can contact the JPN corporate communications unit at 03-88807077 or email [email protected].

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