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Umno Youth threatens action over 'Jom Ziarah Gereja' programme by govt NGO

Umno Youth chief Dr Akmal Saleh issues a warning to Impact Malaysia, an NGO under the youth and sports ministry.

Staff Writers
2 minute read
Umno Youth chief Dr Akmal Salleh. Photo: Facebook
Umno Youth chief Dr Akmal Salleh. Photo: Facebook

Umno Youth today urged NGO Impact Malaysia to cancel a church-visiting programme in Klang scheduled for this Saturday, warning the organisation under the youth and sports ministry to be sensitive to matters in the country. 

Umno Youth chief Dr Akmal Saleh said he would not hesitate to put a stop to the "Jom Ziarah Gereja" programme himself or to take legal action against the NGO and all related agencies if his warning went ignored. 

"I strongly urge the organisers of this programme to be more sensitive towards this issue and to take the appropriate action to prevent Muslims from participating in this programme. 

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"I also urge all agencies related to Islam in Selangor to take appropriate action with the powers given under the law to prevent this programme from continuing if the organisers persist," he said in a statement on Facebook. 

Impact Malaysia had said in a poster uploaded on Instagram that the programme aimed to spread understanding about the similarities and differences between religions as well as exposure to various religions through visits and volunteer activities. 

The poster was later taken down from the social media platform. 

Akmal, who just recently won the position of Umno Youth chief, said that Article 11, Clause 4 of the Federal Constitution allows states to control or restrict the development of any religious doctrine or beliefs among the followers of Islam. 

"The sections that deal with criminal offences in the Selangor Non-Islamic Religions (Control of Propagation Among Muslims) Enactment 1988 are a translation of the above principles for the state of Selangor," he added. 

"In other words, it is an offence if non-Muslims spread their beliefs to Muslims."