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No move to offer PAS a place in govt, Zahid says

The deputy prime minister denies PAS' claims that offers were made to the party to be a part of the coalition government.

1 minute read
PAS flags seen over a main road in Rusila, Marang, ahead of the 15th general election on Nov 7, 2022. Photo: Bernama
PAS flags seen over a main road in Rusila, Marang, ahead of the 15th general election on Nov 7, 2022. Photo: Bernama

Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has stated that there is no move by coalition government party leaders to offer PAS to join the current administration.

He was refuting claims made by PAS that there were parties offering it to join the federal government, a matter that was not even discussed officially among the 19 government party leaders nor among coalition chairmen. 

"If there are indeed claims that they met with certain leaders, we don't view it as an official meeting and there isn't a move made towards that direction," he told the media after chairing the Cabinet sports development committee meeting in Putrajaya today.

Zahid, who is Barisan Nasional chairman and Umno president, was commenting on PAS deputy president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man's statement that several parties have contacted and met him to make an offer to join the coalition government, similar to claims made by PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang previously.

He added that the political stability that exists in Malaysia is vital even though there are differences in opinion and views, and that it can be resolved in a cordial manner.

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