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Bersatu tells Anwar to break silence amid storm involving minister's husband

The party reminds the prime minister of his public statements in which he promised to abolish direct negotiations.

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Anwar Ibrahim reminded of his promise to completely do away with direct negotiations for government projects as a storm continues over a company led by Hannah Yeoh's husband being awarded a project without going through open tender process.
Anwar Ibrahim reminded of his promise to completely do away with direct negotiations for government projects as a storm continues over a company led by Hannah Yeoh's husband being awarded a project without going through open tender process.

Bersatu has joined the chorus of criticism against the Selangor government's decision to award a state project to a company helmed by Youth and Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh's husband, saying it not only goes against Pakatan Harapan's election manifesto but also clearly breached the prime minister's promise to do away with direct negotiations.

"This award by the Selangor government contravenes transparency, good governance and PM Anwar Ibrahim’s repeated public undertakings that there will be no more direct negotiation," said Sasha Lyna Abdul Latif of Bersatu's Legal & Constitution Bureau.

Asia Mobility Technologies Sdn Bhd, a company founded by Yeoh's husband Ramachandran Muniandy and pro-Pakatan Harapan portal Malaysiakini founder Premesh Chandran, is one of two companies appointed by the PH-led Selangor government to provide demand responsive transit (DRT) services in four localities under the Selangor Mobility programme.

At the centre of the issue is not only the PH connection, but also the fact that the contract was awarded without a public tender.

It is seen as the latest in a series of appointments by PH at state and federal levels related to cronyism.

Shortly after his appointment to top office in November 2022, Anwar told staff of the Prime Minister's Department that approvals for government procurements under his leadership can no longer be made without tender as part of efforts to stop leakage and corruption.

Anwar had previously reiterated that the government would "completely halting direct negotiations" for government procurements.

Sasha questioned Anwar's "complete silence" in relation to the Yeoh controversy.

"In the public interest, Anwar must explain how and why the contract was awarded by direct negotiations to a company whose CEO is the spouse of a member of his Cabinet."

Sasha also hit out at the threat of legal action by Asia Mobility.

"This is uncalled for and is unacceptable. The public have every right to ask for explanations on government procurement which involves expenditure of public funds. The discussion is in the interest of the public and cannot be shut down.

"The issue is larger than Asia Mobility, it involves promises and undertaking made by the PM and the political coalition which forms the federal government as well as the Selangor state government."