Thousands of Chinese nationals continue to settle in Malaysia
More than half of MM2H applicants in recent months are from China, besides Taiwan and Hong Kong.
Come visit Kelantan, a model of harmony and inclusivity
A myth-shattering trip by a group of ethnic Chinese from Penang.
Nga's aide chosen for Kuala Kubu Baharu after DAP abandoned hope of Malay vote?
Source says some PH leaders wanted DAP to field a Malay candidate to increase the number of representatives from the community in the ruling Selangor bloc.
In Kuala Kubu Baharu, support from 'the other side' a distant dream for PN, PH
The two opposing coalitions are capitalising on their weakest components – Amanah and Gerakan – in their bid to win Malay and non-Malay votes respectively.
After DAP nominates Chow again, group calls off 'Chinese-only CM' event
Penang Chinese Town Hall says the decision comes in the wake of DAP's announcement.
Group in bid to ensure 'Chinese-only' CM for Penang
The move by the Penang Chinese Town Hall comes hot on the heels of a storm sparked by Lim Guan Eng's speech warning non-Muslim voters against the 'green wave'.
New York man gets 22 years in jail over killing of Chinese immigrant
Jarrod Powell's attack on Ma Yao Pan in Manhattan's East Harlem neighbourhood was one of a spate of attacks targeting Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders across the US.
Don't turn us into political fodder, say Chinese in Kelantan
They say they are happy with their lives in the state despite criticism from elsewhere.
Desperate Chinese property developer willing to ‘swap wheat for house’
Cities across China have introduced hundreds of property easing measures this year to revive a sector that accounts for a quarter of the world's second-largest economy's overall output.
Chinese warming up to Najib, really?
The issue is not partisan politics or the election in Johor, but rather the temerity of some in relying on a convict to woo support.
Covid-19, money matters: why outstation Chinese aren’t returning to vote in Johor
Some also feel that their votes will not do much to bring about change in the state.
Support us for stronger say, CM tells Sarawak Chinese as election looms
Abang Johari Openg calls on the Chinese community to think twice before casting their ballots this election.