Influx of immigrants, refugees among 66 national security challenges identified by NSC
The NSC says the arrival of immigrants and Rohingya refugees has caused discomfort among locals who fear that they will take away the rights of Malaysians.
Govt drafting national recovery plan for Covid-19 battle, says Muhyiddin
The prime minister says it will be presented to the National Security Council within the next week.
Stricter MCO ahead, says PMO
Restrictions will be tightened for the economic and social sectors.
Umno to consult RoS, NSC on party polls during pandemic
The party's Supreme Council however stops short of announcing a date for its polls.
Govt to consider emergency in Gerik, Bugaya if Covid-19 risks remain
Minister Takiyüddin Hassan says a decision will be made after the matter is referred to the health ministry and National Security Council.
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